Top-Rated Alcohol Detox Center

Alcohol Detox Center in San Antonio

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a complex disease that affects more than 14.5 million people ages 12 and older. If you are one of the millions of Americans with a drinking problem, Flourishing Foundations Recovery offers comprehensive alcohol detox in San Antonio, Texas, providing you with a safe, supportive place to heal and make a full recovery.

Alcoholism treatment options vary, and effective treatment is tailored to your specific needs. The first step is to detox safely at an alcohol detox center, then transition to an alcohol rehab program.

With Us You Can Detox at Home

We’re a leading outpatient detox center right here in San Antonio, standing out for our ability to deliver medical detoxification from drugs and alcohol safely, comfortably, and effectively, all on an outpatient basis. This means you can experience the detox process in the familiar comfort of your own home, with our unwavering support guiding you every step of the way.

If you or a loved one are struggling with alcoholism, don’t hesitate to start alcohol detox treatment today. Call now to speak confidentially with a dedicated treatment specialist.

Flourishing Foundations Recovery literally saved my life.

Flourishing Foundations Recovery literally saved my life. Everyone that works here is absolutely so kind and makes you feel like you are apart of a family. They truly care about your personal recovery and even after you get clean they make sure that you are taken good care of. They always keep the place very clean and they get you taken care of quickly and pain free. From the moment I entered, the welcoming atmosphere and attentive staff made me feel right at home. I can’t thank the staff enough for helping me through the tough time I was going through in my life. I absolutely recommend this place to anyone!

– Stefani Smith

We’re here to help.

Have questions about our drug and alcohol treatment center or programs? 

How Do I Know If I’m an Alcoholic?

Alcoholism is characterized by compulsive, habitual, and dangerous drinking patterns. People who have an alcohol use disorder may be unable to control how often and how much they drink, even when facing negative consequences. They may also experience alcohol cravings when they shouldn’t be drinking or withdrawal symptoms if they don’t drink for an extended amount of time.

Common signs of alcoholism include:

  • Alcohol withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink
  • Alcohol cravings when you aren’t drinking
  • The inability to control your alcohol intake
  • Lying to friends and family about drinking
  • Spending excess time and money on alcohol and related expenses
  • Having trouble at work, school, or home because of your drinking
  • Needing to consume more alcohol over time to feel the same effects (tolerance)
  • Drinking to cope with a mental health problem
  • Feeling as though you cannot function without alcohol

Overcoming alcohol addiction on your own can feel impossible, but our Texas alcohol detox center can help.

Alcohol Detox is the First Step Toward Recovery

Shortly after you stop drinking, you may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms such as sweating, nausea, agitation, restlessness, and anxiety. In advanced cases, withdrawal symptoms such as seizures, tremors, disorientation, and hallucinations, can be dangerous and life-threatening, requiring medical care.

Even in mild cases of withdrawal, the combination of withdrawal symptoms can cravings often drive people to continue drinking for relief. Most people are unable to detox from alcohol alone successfully.

The best way to detox from alcohol safely is to do so under medical supervision. Alcohol detox centers in San Antonio can monitor your vitals, prescribe medications, and provide supportive care to keep your symptoms under control. While under 24-hour medical monitoring, staff will provide the necessary physical and psychological support to make your detox experience a positive one.

Under the care of our team of medical professionals and established protocols, we are able to meet our clients where they are while ensuring the highest care.

While under our care, we set up an aftercare plan for them to continue onto the next phase of their recovery journey through established therapeutic facilities and communities throughout San Antonio. After detox, you will transition to a local alcohol addiction treatment program.

Personalized Treatment for Alcoholism

Flourishing Foundations Recovery embraces a multidisciplinary approach to treating alcohol use disorder, addressing each of your unique needs.

Since alcoholism usually stems from an attempt to self-medicate or cope with mental illness, trauma, or other challenges, it is essential to identify and treat the root cause of the issue. We accomplish this using an individualized approach.

Upon arriving at our Texas alcohol detox center, our team of licensed clinical specialists will begin the intake process during which they evaluate your situation and assess your treatment needs. We will take time to learn about your medical history, drinking patterns, family history, and more. After a complete physical and psychological assessment, our clinical team will design a custom treatment plan just for you.

Alcoholism treatment includes:

  • Therapy and counseling
  • Nutritional support
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)
  • Mental health care
  • Relapse prevention
  • Aftercare planning
  • Family support

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Therapies

Group and individual counseling are at the heart of our alcohol detox program as they help clients achieve true healing and move forward in their recoveries. We use a combination of trauma-informed, evidence-based, and holistic therapy modalities to treat the whole person. During therapy, you will learn how to reframe the negative thought processes and behavioral patterns that fuel your drinking and replace them with healthy coping skills.

Therapies used may include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Family Behavior Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)
  • Contingency Management (CM)
  • Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP)
  • Trauma and PTSD therapy
  • Holistic therapies such as art, music, equine-assisted therapy, chiropractic, and more

After detox, our clients leave feeling prepared to continue on their recovery journey.

Supporting Your Alcoholism Recovery After Detox

Ongoing support after detox can help you prevent relapse and overcome any challenges you face in early sobriety. At Flourishing Foundations Recovery, we know that recovery doesn’t stop when detox does, so our support for you doesn’t stop there, either. We offer extensive aftercare support for clients who complete our program.

Before you leave our San Antonio alcohol detox center, our talented therapists will work closely with you to help you design an aftercare plan that suits your situation. Alcohol detox aftercare may consist of:

  • Alumni program
  • Sober living
  • 12-Step meetings
  • Counseling
  • Recovery Coaching

Alcohol Detox is Covered by Insurance

Cost is a common concern among people seeking treatment for alcohol addiction. However, if you have health insurance, you may be able to get some or all of your treatment covered.

Flourishing Foundations Recovery is in-network with many major health insurance providers in Texas. One of our treatment specialists can provide you with a confidential, risk-free insurance verification to verify your coverage and help you begin your recovery journey.

Your Local Alcohol Detox Center

Our alcohol detox center, located in San Antonio, Texas, offers a sanctuary of safety and therapeutic healing tailored to your comfort and recovery. With a focus on holistic care and cutting-edge treatment approaches, our program is dedicated to helping you reclaim your life. If you’re searching for a “detox center near me,” look no further for a place where your journey to wellness begins.

The path toward sobriety begins with a confidential conversation. When you call our team of admissions counselors, they will discuss your concerns and begin the assessment process. After verifying your insurance and identifying your treatment needs, we will help you begin the admissions process immediately. Call now to get started.

Have Questions?

Get Addiction Help Now

Our team of talented addiction specialists in San Antonio are dedicated to helping get the treatment you deserve. Call now or fill out the form below to learn how our drug and alcohol rehab center can help.