Ritalin Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, And Treatment

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Managing Ritalin Withdrawal: What to Expect and How to Get Help

Ritalin is a central nervous system stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This prescription medication contains a substance known as methylphenidate. Ritalin is effective in managing ADHD, however, it is often abused.

People who abuse Ritalin are doing so to experience an energetic and euphoric high. Many individuals abuse Ritalin to study or work long hours without getting tired.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that 11% of young adults abuse Ritalin.

High doses of Ritalin can lead to life-threatening overdoses. Abusing this medication can also cause a substance use disorder. If you develop an addiction to Ritalin, you will experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it.

Ritalin withdrawal symptoms might include anxiety, chest pain, sleep disturbances, and more. The length of Ritalin withdrawal may vary from person to person. Medical professionals treat Ritalin withdrawal within the safety of a medical detox program.

What are the Signs of Ritalin Addiction?

If you are using Ritalin in a manner other than prescribed, you are abusing it. Ritalin abuse eventually leads to addiction if you do not make some positive changes. Being aware of the signs of Ritalin addiction can help you determine whether you need professional help.

The signs of Ritalin addiction include:

  • Using more Ritalin than you are prescribed
  • Going to multiple doctors to receive more than one prescription
  • Buying Ritalin off of the street
  • Using Ritalin to study or cope with stress
  • Having a hard time controlling how much Ritalin you use
  • Experiencing strong urges to abuse Ritalin
  • Dealing with social issues because of Ritalin use
  • Continuing to use Ritalin despite facing mental or physical health effects
  • Having a hard time keeping up with responsibilities at home, school, or work
  • Needing a higher dose of Ritalin to experience the desired effect
  • Dealing with withdrawal symptoms when you cannot abuse Ritalin

What are the Symptoms of Ritalin Withdrawal?

Ritalin addiction can be hard to overcome. Since it causes withdrawal symptoms, you must receive medical supervision in a detox program. Quitting cold turkey could put you at risk of experiencing dangerous side effects.

The symptoms of Ritalin withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety and agitation
  • Changes in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Chest pain
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Headaches
  • Increased energy
  • Sensitivity to light sound and touch
  • Mood swings
  • Panic attacks
  • Seizures
  • Insomnia
  • Increased appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting

Ritalin withdrawal can cause severe symptoms, so you should always seek help from a medical detox program. Flourishing Foundations Recovery is here to help you with all of your addiction recovery needs.

How Long Does Ritalin Withdrawal Last?

The Ritalin withdrawal timeline depends on a variety of factors. For example, the dose and frequency you take Ritalin can play a role in how long withdrawal lasts. With that being said, most people overcome their symptoms in 2 weeks.

72 Hours

The symptoms of withdrawal usually begin within 72 hours of your last dose. However, people taking large amounts of Ritalin might experience symptoms as early as 24 hours.

Early symptoms usually include sleep issues, anxiety, and mood swings.

1 Week

Ritalin withdrawal symptoms usually peak by the 7th day of detox. In other words, they will be at their most severe. Symptoms may include insomnia, depression, vomiting, and fatigue.

Thankfully, detox programs offer treatment options like medications to lessen your symptoms and keep you comfortable.

2 Weeks

Your symptoms should begin to subside around the second week. Keeping this in mind, you may still deal with psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression. Thankfully, addiction treatment programs can offer medications to control these side effects.

1 Month

Some people experience lingering psychological symptoms of Ritalin withdrawal for longer than a month. These long-term symptoms should always be treated by a professional medical detox center.

How is Ritalin Withdrawal Treated?

Medical assisted detox centers treat Ritalin withdrawal. The first step is assessing you to create an individualized treatment plan. The doctors will ask you questions about your physical and mental health as well as your history of Ritalin abuse.

Once your treatment plan is created, you will begin the medical stabilization process. If any of your vital signs are abnormal you will be promptly treated. Nurses will check your vital signs. Additionally, they will evaluate your symptoms to determine the next steps.

Once you are stabilized you will be given medications to manage your withdrawal. Unfortunately, there is no specific medication that treats Ritalin withdrawal. This only means you will be given medications that treat certain symptoms you are experiencing.

After your symptoms have subsided, you will be transferred to an addiction treatment program. Depending on your needs, you will either go into inpatient or outpatient rehab. Both programs will offer you the tools and support you need to achieve long-lasting sobriety.

Get Connected to a Ritalin Detox Center in Texas Today

If you or a loved one suffers from Ritalin addiction, it’s time to seek professional help. At Flourishing Foundations Recovery, we offer our clients comprehensive care. Whether you need medical detox or prescription drug addiction treatment, our experienced staff members have got your back.

Contact us today to learn more about our Ritalin detox center.